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Next generation of education

For the educated generation, in addition to educational certifications the success of spreading thoughts are appreciated. The richness of society  depends on the endeavors you credited to your surroundings. Prior joining for gaining a educational degree, an awareness of benefiting of education should be shared to students. Discipline is a very important part of life. Discipline implies an orderly manner of living and conducting oneself. It is essential in every sphere of life, whether it is at home or in work. Only a disciplined person can make a success of whatever he engages in. The school also plays a very important role in forming the character of a child. The educational institutes should give students opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities, sports and  hold inter-class and inter-school competitions in order to develop their interests and talents and the sportsman spirit. I encourage the  education imparted to students should be job-oriented, so that they are able to decide their goal in life and work purposefully to achieve it. Students should also be given military training so that it need arises they can contribute their might also in defending the country. Students should also be involved in developmental programs. It is again the responsibility of the educational. Education aims at full development of the human personality. The human personality has several sides and it is purpose of education to develop all these sides so that the individual may remain in his full stature. 


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