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A teenage Hobby

The present age is the age of activity. Life is fast and the mind is busy in some productive occupation. Nobody is idle. Everybody is busy from morning till evening in doing something r the other. Hobby is also a man's favorite past time. One is sure to learn something new and interesting in this way. Hobby is nothing but to have a change in the routine work. It avoids boredom and gives a sense  of relief. At the same time it all adds to ones mental growth. Something should be done in spare time instead of wasting it in useful and favorite pursuit for the sake of amusement. It is happy union of profit and pleasure, recreation and education.
Each individual have some kind of hobby. There are a wide variety of hobbies. Reading novels, writing letters, short stories, poetry etc., painting, embroidery, stitching, gardening, singing, dancing, playing instruments, games, stamp, coins collecting and son on.
My hobby is gardening. I am very fond of gardening and i spend all my leisure hours in the vast garden space in front of my house. I love being in the garden and look forward to work in the garden after I have finished with my daily routine of study. Being in contact with the nature amongst the green plants, breathing in the pure mildy scented air, listening to the twittering of the birds that frequently my garden uplifts my whole spirit, I feel an indescribable joy and am at peace with myself and rest of the mankind. All the little sorrows of the day, the quarrels I might have had with my friends at school are all forgotten once I set to work in the garden. i talk to my plants and sing to them. Sometimes I feel as if my plants see to nod their heads in agreement as I talk to them about my happy and unhappy moments. My garden is spread over a vast area in front of the house. I have prepared the flowerbeds along the hedges and have planted different kinds of rose bushes ad other flowering plants like jasmine, Hibiscus etc., and they give to a soft sweet scent especially in the evening. Then there are the seasonal plants, which have to be planted along the hedges. According to the season, I dig out the withered plants and plant new ones. I get the saplings from a nearby nursery, which is well maintained. Sometimes, I bring seeds and sow them. I also have a kitchen garden at the back yard. I have sown seed of some vegetables and have also planted carrots, lentils, radish and cabbage. I water  my plants every evening and spread manure from time to time. During the summer I water the garden twice a day- early in the morning and after the sunset. I spent a lot of time in cleaning my  garden every day. I clear the plants and the ground, pull out the weeds which shoot up in between the plants to keep the earth soft so that the roots may spread and the plants flourish. Thus my hobby gives me happiness and is the best way of utilizing my leisure time. It also does some exercise to the body. People passing in front of my house praise my garden. The best quality of others. My hobby satisfies my inner urge and I get emotional response. It as a deep impact on my personality and character. I has a deep impact on my personality and character. I fully agree with Francis Bacon who said, "God almighty first planted garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures".


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