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My Ambition in Life

Everyone has an ambition in life as to what he wants to become. Even as a child grows he imagines himself in various roles that excite him. Later, by virtue of his education, he visualizes himself in more profession a roles such as a doctor, an engineer, a scientist, charted
accountant and so on. I too have ambitions, and I have my dreams of what would I like to become. As a school going student in the XII standard, with science as my main subject, I have a number of avenues open. I can complete for engineering, medical studies, the foreign and civil services, banks and so on. However I have set my mind on being a teacher in a college. The important question that people ask me is why I want to be a teacher. I have a number of reasons for desiring to be so. First, even at this stage, I love teaching. I not only help my younger brother and cousins with their studies, but even the neighborhood children come over to take my help with their difficulties in various subjects. Again, I also love being with people, talking to them and exchanging ideas and opinions. The teaching profession would enable me to be in touch with youngsters and new ideas and opinions. This, opinions and rigidly hold on views, which might at that time have become outdated. Yet again, as a college teacher, I would also be involved in the process of learning - both the old and the new and forming my own conclusions. This is one aspect of my profession that particularly excites me. I would this always be growing and not stagnate in my knowledge and profession. Last, but not the least important is the fact that I would be molding young minds in their ideas and opinions, not only in the subject concerned bit also in their moral values. For a teacher, I believe, whatever the subject he teaches, serves as an example which students consciously or unconsciously follow. A good teacher does not teach his subject in isolation but relates it to life around him and thus sets values and standards. The ambition I have in mind makes me feel very responsible and I am studying hard, and I hope to do well in my studies. I am also teaching all those who seek my help. I try to keep abreast of all knowledge by reading the daily newspaper and books and magazines. Thus, in conclusion I would say that my ambition is a noble one and I believe I have the determination to accomplish the task I have set myself.


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