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Lucid directions to keep your body acidity balanced

Acidity - a condition that plagues one in every three people in the world  - is unfortunately one of the most overlooked aspects of health. If not handled properly and at the right time, acidity can cause innumerable ailments. Fortunately one doesn't have to live with acidity. Nor do they have to rely on antacids, which only act as a band-aid for the problem and don't really address its root cause.

Leaving large gaps > 3-4 hours or too small gaps < 1-2 hours  between  two meals, can both cause acidity. An average meal takes about 3.5 - 4 hours to digest, after which the stomach automatically starts producing digestive acids as a natural mechanism as it expects food. If you have left a long gap, the acids as a natural mechanism as it expects food. If you have left a long gap, the acid produced starts to eat up the inner mucosal linings. Similarly, when we eat too often, every bite of food signals the stomach to produce acids in order to digest it.


First eating or gobbing down large bites without focus on chewing can also cause acidity. When we don't chew or food., we allow larger particles of food to enter our system, which means our stomach also has to produce more acid to break down their large chunks.

Just like our mind, our muscles, cells and tissues also have memory. When we eat at the same time everyday, our muscles and stomach create a memory and expect food at the same time everyday and produce acids uniformly. So, try to keep your meals at the same time every day.

Wholesome foods like fruits, vegetables, lentils, whole grains, seeds and nuts direct the stomach to produce the right amount of stomach acids to digest. So, when we eat junk and processed foods laden with sugar, salt fat, aerated drinks, our body works too hard to digest it, thereby secreating more stomach acids in the process. Our body hasn't been designed to digest unnatural food.

Most people who complain of acidity, just need to increase the total daily intake of water. Our body is 70 percent water and even a one per cent drop in our hydration levels can cause innumerable problems like fatigue, acidity, headaches. So, the easiest way to cure acidity is to drink the right amount of water every day.

Oxygen is alkaline, so breathing in the right way is also one of the most effective tools. Practising yoga, pranayamas  and certain breathing exercises can reduce acidity in the most effective yet inexpensive way. Every time you inhale oxygen, you help your body balance its acidic and alkaline levels naturally. This is why deep breathing in between meals is such an effective practice not just to inculcate mindful eating, but also keep your body in an alkaline state.

Apart from all the above, our state of mind also plays a huge role in keeping our body alkaline. Its proven fact that thoughts or words become mater that can affect our in a negative or positive way. Negative thoughts are acitidifying, while joy, happiness, laughter, positive, thoughts are alkalising. So, focus more on emotional health and be balanced with taking of fruits to replenish the exhaustion with choosing natural minerals.


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